- Home
- Buddha Dhamma
- Key Dhamma Concepts
- Basic Framework of Buddha Dhamma
- Saŋ – A Critical Pāli Root
- Nibbāna
- Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta
- Gati, Bhava, and Jāti
- Namagotta, Bhava, Kamma Bīja, and Mano Loka (Mind Plane)
- Gati and Bhava – Many Varieties
- Gati to Bhava to Jāti – Ours to Control
- Memory, Brain, Mind, Nama Loka, Kamma Bhava, Kamma Vipāka
- Bhava and Jāti – States of Existence and Births Therein
- Cuti and Maraṇa – Related to Bhava and Jāti
- Anusaya, Gati, Bhava – Connection to Manomaya Kāya (Gandhabba)
- Pāpa Kamma Versus Akusala Kamma
- Sorting out Some Key Pali Terms (Taṇhā, Lobha, Dosa, Moha, etc)
- Kama Taṇhā, Bhava Taṇhā, Vibhava Taṇhā
- Taṇhā – How We Attach Via Greed, Hate, and Ignorance
- Lobha, Rāga and Kāmacchanda, Kāmarāga
- Lobha, Dosa, Moha Versus Rāga, Paṭigha, Avijjā
- What is Avijjā (Ignorance)?
- Vedanā (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways
- Indriya and Āyatana – Big Difference
- Hetu-Phala, Paccuppanna, and Paṭicca Samuppāda
- Diṭṭhi (Wrong Views), Sammā Diṭṭhi (Good/Correct Views)
- Correct Meaning of Vacī Saṅkhāra
- Pañca Indriya and Pañca Bala – Five Faculties and Five Powers
- Kāmaccandha [Kāmacchanda] and Icca – Being Blinded by Cravings
- The Five Aggregates (Pañcakkhandha)
- Nāma & Rūpa to Nāmarūpa
- Living Dhamma
- Essential Buddhism
- Living Dhamma – Overview
- Dhamma with Less Pāli
- Living Dhamma – Fundamentals
- Mundane Sammā Samādhi
- Transition to Noble Eightfold Path
- Samādhi, Jhāna (Dhyāna), Magga Phala
- Samādhi, Jhāna, Magga Phala – Introduction
- Vitakka, Vicāra, Savitakka, Savicāra, and Avitakka, Avicāra
- Jhānic Experience in Detail – Sāmaññaphala Sutta (DN 2)
- Ascendance to Nibbāna via Jhāna (Dhyāna)
- Paññāvimutti – Arahanthood without Jhāna
- Mundane versus Supramundane Jhāna
- Nirodha Samāpatti, Phala Samāpatti, Jhāna, and Jhāna Samāpatti
- Mental Body – Gandhabba
- Dhamma and Science
- Elephants in the Room
- Three Levels of Practice
- Tables and Summaries
- Paṭicca Samuppāda
- Is There a ‘Self’?
- Dhamma and Philosophy
- Bhāvanā (Meditation)
- Abhidhamma
- Historical Background
- Buddhist Chanting
- Dhammapada
- Sutta Interpretations
- Myths or Realities?
- About Author
- Quantum Mechanics and Dhamma
- Buddha Dhamma – Advanced
- References
- Sitemap
- Sutta Piṭaka