Three Levels of Practice

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Three Levels of Practice

It is a good idea for anybody to read the first section, because the basic ideas and fundamentals are described in that section.

oFirst Section: Moral Living and Fundamentals

Subsection: The Basics

The Pale Blue Dot……..

The Law of Attraction, Habits (Gati), and Cravings (Āsavas)

Habits, Goals, and Character (Gati)

Wrong Views (Micchā Diṭṭhi) – A Simpler Analysis

First Noble Truth – A Simple Explanation of One Aspect

Subsection: Calming the Mind

Key to Calming the Mind – The Five Hindrances

Solution to a Wandering Mind – Abandon Everything?

Right Speech – How to avoid Accumulating Bad Kamma

Three Kinds of Happiness – What is Nirāmisa Sukha?

Need to Experience Suffering in Order to Understand It?

Does Impermanence Lead to Suffering?

Subsection: Buddha Dhamma and Buddhism

A Buddhist or a Bhouddhaya?

Where to Start on the Path?

What Reincarnates? – Concept of a Lifestream

Recent Evidence for Unbroken Memory Records (HSAM)

Buddhism without Rebirth and Nibbāna?

Subsection: Dhamma Concepts

Kilesa – Relationship To Akusala, Kusala, And Puñña Kamma

Ten Immoral Actions (Dasa Akusala)

Puñña Kamma – Dāna, Sīla, Bhāvanā

The Five Precepts – What the Buddha Meant by Them

How to Evaluate Weights of Different Kamma

What is Kamma? – Is Everything Determined by Kamma?

Account of Aṅgulimāla – Many Insights to Buddha Dhamma

The Four Bases of Mental Power (Cattāro Iddhipāda)

Why is it Necessary to Learn Key Pāli Words?

Subsection: Buddha Dhamma and Morality

Origin of Morality (and Immorality) in Buddhism

Is Eating Meat an Akusala Kamma (Immoral Deed)?

Do Things Just Happen? – The Hidden Causes


oSecond Section: Working Towards Good Rebirths

Sansāric Habits and āsavas

Vagaries of Life and the Way to Seek Good Rebirths

How to Avoid Birth in the Apāyas

Rebirth – Connection to Suffering in the First Noble Truth

How the Buddha Described the Chance of Rebirth in the Human Realm

Kamma, Debt, and Meditation

Diṭṭhi (Wrong Views), Sammā Diṭṭhi (Good/Correct Views)

How do we Decide which View is Wrong View (Diṭṭhi)?

Three Kinds of Diṭṭhi, Eightfold Paths, and Samādhi

Implications of the Rebirth Process in Daily Life and in Society

What Does Buddha Dhamma Say about Creator, Satan, Angels, and Demons?

Paṭisandhi Citta – How the Next Life is Determined According to Gati


oThird Section: Seeking Nibbāna

Attha Purisa Puggalā – Eight Noble Persons

Āsava, Anusaya, and Gati (Gathi)

The Way to Nibbāna – Removal of āsavas

Kaṇha (Dark) and Sukka (Bright) Kamma and Kammakkhaya

Dasa Saṁyojana – Bonds in Rebirth Process

The Cooling Down Process (Nibbāna) – How the Root Causes are Removed

Why is Correct Interpretation of Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta so Important?

How to Cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path Starting with Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta

Difference Between Giving Up Valuables and Losing Interest in Worthless


oFourth Section: Sotāpanna Stage of Nibbāna

Sotāpanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)

Sotāpanna Stage and Distorted/Defiled Saññā

Pabhassara Citta and Saññā Vipallāsa

Mūlapariyāya Sutta – The Root of All Things

Fooled by Distorted Saññā (Sañjānāti) – Origin of Attachment (Taṇhā)

Kāma Rāga Arises Due to “Distorted Saññā”

Distorted Saññā Arises in Every Adult but Not in a Newborn

Purāṇa and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation

Saññā Nidānā hi Papañca Saṅkhā - Immoral Thoughts Based on ‘Distorted Saññā’

Kalahavivāda Sutta – Origin of Fights and Disputes

The Sotāpanna Stage

Why a Sotāpanna is Better off than any King, Emperor, or a Billionaire

Myths about the Sotāpanna Stage

Anuloma Paṭiloma Paṭicca Samuppāda – Key to Sotāpanna Stage

Sotāpanna Anugāmi and a Sotāpanna

Sotāpanna Anugāmi – No More Births in the Apāyā

Four Conditions for Attaining Sotāpanna Magga/Phala

Sotāpatti Aṅga – The Four Qualities of a Sotāpanna

Sammā Diṭṭhi – Realization, Not Memorization

Sakkāya Diṭṭhi – “Seeing the Unfruitful Nature of the World”

How Does One Know whether the Sotāpanna Stage is Reached?

Subsection: Assāda, Ādīnava, Nissaraṇa

Assāda, Ādīnava, Nissaraṇa – Introduction

How Perceived Pleasures (Assāda) lead to Dukkha

Kāma Rāga Dominates Rūpa Rāga and Arūpa Rāga.”

Vedanā (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways

Feelings: Sukha, Dukha, Somanassa, and Domanassa

What is “Kāma”? It is not Just Sex

Kāma Assāda Start with Phassa Paccaya Vedanā or Samphassa Ja Vedanā

Akusala Citta – How Does a Sotāpanna Avoids Apāyagāmi Citta

What is the only Akusala Removed by a Sotāpanna?

Subsection: Udayavaya Ñāṇa

Udayavaya Ñāṇa – Introduction

Nibbatti Lakkhaṇa in Udayavaya Ñāṇa

Āhāra (Food) in Udayavaya Ñāṇa

Udayavaya Ñāṇa – Importance of the Cittaja Kāya