Living Dhamma

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Living Dhamma

August 26, 2016

An experience-based process of practicing Buddha Dhamma (Buddhism) is discussed with English discourses. Belief in rebirth process is not needed at beginning.

oSubsection: Essential Buddhism

Four Noble Truths – Suffering and Its Elimination

Introduction to Citta, Vedanā, Saññā, Saṅkhāra, and Viññāṇa

Viññāṇa – Consciousness Together With Future Expectations

Connection Between Saṅkhāra and Viññāṇa

Viññāṇa and Saṅkhāra – Connection to Paṭicca Samuppāda

Breath Meditation Is Addictive and Harmful in the Long Run

Ānāpānasati Eliminates Mental Stress Permanently

Ānāpāna and Satipaṭṭhāna – Fundamentals

Sati in Ānāpānasati/Satipaṭṭhāna – Two Meanings of Sati

oSubsection: Living Dhamma – Overview

Living Dhamma – Introduction

Peace of Mind to Nibbāna – The Key Step

Starting on the Path Even without Belief in Rebirth (with first Desanā “The Hidden Suffering that We All Can Understand”; desanā title different from post title)

oSubsection: Dhamma with Less Pāli

Buddha Dhamma for an Inquiring Mind – Part I

Root of All Suffering – Ten Immoral Actions (with the Desanā “Ten Immoral Actions (Dasa Akusala).”

Is Suffering the Same as the First Noble Truth on Suffering?

Dhamma, Saṅkhāra, Sankata, Rūpa, Viññāṇa, Gati, Āsava, Anusaya

Complexity of the Mind – Viññāṇa and Saṅkhāra

Citta, Mano, Viññāṇa – Stages of a Thought

oSubsection: Living Dhamma – Fundamentals

What Are Kilesa (Mental Impurities)? – Connection to Cetasika

Suffering in This Life – Role of Mental Impurities (with Desanā 2)

Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta – Relevance to Suffering in This Life (with Desanā 3)

How Are Gati and Kilesa Incorporated into Thoughts? (with Desanā 4; in two parts)

Noble Eightfold Path – Role of Sobhana Cetasika

Getting to Samādhi (with Desanā 5)

Sexual Orientation – Effects of Kamma and Gati (Saṅkhāra)

oSubsection: Mundane Sammā Samādhi

Micchā Diṭṭhi – Connection to Hetu Phala (Cause and Effect) (with Desanā 6)

Suffering in This Life and Paṭicca Samuppāda (with Desanā 7)

Suffering in This Life and Paṭicca Samuppāda II (with Desanā 8)

oSubsection: Transition to Noble Eightfold Path

Is It Necessary for a Buddhist to Eliminate Sensual Desires?

Sīla, Samādhi, Paññā to Paññā, Sīla, Samādhi

Ye Dhammā Hetuppabhavā.. and Yam Kiñci Samudaya Dhammam..

oSubsection: Samādhi, Jhāna (Dhyāna), Magga Phala

Samādhi, Jhāna, Magga Phala – Introduction

Vitakka, Vicāra, Savitakka, Savicāra, and Avitakka, Avicāra

Jhānic Experience in Detail – Sāmaññaphala Sutta (DN 2)

Ascendance to Nibbāna via Jhāna (Dhyāna)

Paññāvimutti – Arahanthood without Jhāna

Mundane versus Supramundane Jhāna

Nirodha Samāpatti, Phala Samāpatti, Jhāna, and Jhāna Samāpatti

oSubsection: Mental Body – Gandhabba

Our Mental Body – Gandhabba

Gandhabba State – Evidence from Tipiṭaka

Antarabhava and Gandhabba

Ānantariya Kamma – Connection to Gandhabba

Mental Body (Gandhabba) – Personal Accounts

Abnormal Births Due to Gandhabba Transformations

Micchā Diṭṭhi, Gandhabba, and Sotāpanna Stage

Working of Kammā – Critical Role of Conditions