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Revised June 6, 2020; October 28, 2020
“Sabba pāpassa akaraṇaṁ,
kusalassa upasampadā;
Sacitta pariyo dapanaṁ,
etaṁ Buddhānasāsanaṁ”
(Dhammapada verse 183)
Let us see what is meant by the verse:
▪Sabba = all; pāpassa = immoral deeds/speech/thoughts; akarana = (a + karana) = do not engaged in
▪kusalassa = moral deeds/speech/thoughts; upasampadā = upa + saŋ + padā = sort out “saŋ” and embrace kusala; see, “What is “Saŋ?“
▪sacitta = sa + citta = one’s own thoughts; pariyo dapanaṁ = pari + yo + dapanaṁ = control at the onset (where “dapaṇa” means control and “yo” means origin and “pari” means around)
▪Buddha āna = All Buddhas’ niyama or principle. Another meaning is Buddha + anusāsana = Buddha’s advice or his “doctrine.”
Note: The process of “cleansing the mind” is what this website is about. See, “Sīla, Samādhi, Paññā to Paññā, Sīla, Samādhi” and “Living Dhamma.”
Therefore, we can summarize as follows:
“Discard all that is immoral, what should not be done
Take in what is moral by sorting out “saŋ.”
Do this by controlling one’s own thoughts (mind)
This is the doctrine of the Buddhas.”
Here is a recording of the verse recited by a Venerable Thero; it keeps repeating several times:
WebLink: Listen to verse of : Sabba pāpassa akaraṇaṁ
When you click the “DOWNLOAD” button, it will open the file in a new window. Right-click on the screen and choose, “Save as..” to save the file to your computer.
WebLink: PureDhamma: DOWNLOAD the recording of "Sabba-Pāpassa-Akaraṇaṁ"
Next, “Appamado Amata Padam….”, ………