Buddha Dhamma – Advanced

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Buddha Dhamma – Advanced

February 13, 2024

Buddha Dhamma can be at various levels for different people depending on their background. This is an advanced section for those who have enough background.

Understanding the “previously unheard worldview of a Buddha” requires effort. I have tried to collect relevant posts from other sections (some posts are only in this section) to facilitate that endeavor for those interested. It can overwhelm a mind, but start somewhere and keep notes. As you learn, keep adding to the notes in your own words. That way, you can keep “filling in gaps” as you come across something new in a post. It has taken me ten years to get to the current level, and I want to make it easier for others.


Pāli Words – Writing and Pronunciation

Pāli Suttās in Tipiṭaka – Direct Translations are Wrong

Kāma Rāga Dominates Rūpa Rāga and Arūpa Rāga

Dasa Māra Senā (Mārasenā) – Ten Defilements

Rūpa and Rūpakkhandha – Not External Objects

Vipariṇāma – Two Meanings

Ārammaṇa (Sensory Input) Initiates Critical Processes

Anuseti – How Anusaya Grows with Saṅkhāra


More Posts on Advanced Background:

Buddhism – In Charts

Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?


Jhāna and Magga Phala

“Jānato Passato” and Ājānīya – Critical Words to Remember

Samādhi, Jhāna, and Sammā Samādhi

Jhāna, Jhāya, and Jhāyi – Different Meanings

Jhāna – Finer Details

Sammā Samādhi – How to Define It?

Ariya Jhāna and Anāriya Jhāna – Main Differences