Think Outside the Box!

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Think Outside the Box!

1. Here is an interesting presentation on the question of what motivates people. Embedded in this presentation is the fact that without self-motivation coming from self-satisfaction, it is hard to examine things from different perspectives. It works the other way too: new insights in turn provide motivation:

WebLink: YOUTUBE: Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

One of my goals has been to help others to achieve the same exhilarating experience that I have had learning and practising pure Dhamma. It cannot be matched by any other experience.

2. Many people do things just because others do, and follow the “standard practices”. In following Buddha Dhamma too, many just do what their parents or other “established authorities” do. It may be a good idea to pause and re-examine some deeply-embedded ideas. Each person may have his/her own set of “beliefs”.

Some think it is enough to say some precepts and may be chant or listen to chantings to follow the Path.

Others think it is silly to do those exact same things. And what needs to be done is to learn Abhidhamma at the deepest level.

I think there is a value in each, if done properly. And what needs to be given priority in one’s practice should be in line with one’s own preferences, but the horizons need to be expanded to look into other aspects once-in-a-while and see whether there is something to be gained from those too. Our perspectives change as we make progress.

3. Yet, no matter what one does, real progress cannot be even STARTED without understanding the main message of the Buddha: the true nature of this world, i.e., anicca, dukkha, anatta.

It makes a huge difference between the interpretation of anicca as “impermanence” or “not being able to maintain to one’s satisfaction”. Same with anatta as “no-self” or “one ends up truly helpless trying to seek happiness in this rebirth process”.

See, “Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta – Wrong Interpretations” and the follow-up posts.