SN 56.34 Clothes – Celasutta

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SN 56.34 Clothes – Celasutta

Linked Discourses 56.34 – Saṁyutta Nikāya 56.34

4. In a Rosewood Forest – 4. Sīsapāvanavagga

SN 56.34 Clothes – Celasutta


Bhikkhū, if your clothes or head were on fire, what would you do about it?”

“Āditte, bhikkhave, cele vā sīse vā kimassa karaṇīyan”ti?

“Sir, if our clothes or head were on fire, we’d apply intense enthusiasm, effort, zeal, vigor, perseverance, mindfulness, and situational awareness in order to extinguish it.”

“Āditte, bhante, cele vā sīse vā, tasseva celassa vā sīsassa vā nibbāpanāya adhimatto chando ca vāyāmo ca ussāho ca ussoḷhī ca appaṭivānī ca sati ca sampajaññañca karaṇīyan”ti.

Bhikkhū, regarding your burning head or clothes with equanimity, not paying attention to them, you should apply intense enthusiasm, effort, zeal, vigor, perseverance, mindfulness, and situational awareness to truly comprehending the four noble truths.

“Ādittaṁ, bhikkhave, celaṁ vā sīsaṁ vā ajjhupekkhitvā amanasikaritvā anabhisametānaṁ catunnaṁ ariyasaccānaṁ yathābhūtaṁ abhisamayāya adhimatto chando ca vāyāmo ca ussāho ca ussoḷhī ca appaṭivānī ca sati ca sampajaññañca karaṇīyaṁ.

What four?

Katamesaṁ catunnaṁ?

The noble truths of suffering, its origin, its cessation, and the path.

Dukkhassa ariyasaccassa …pe… dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya ariyasaccassa.

That’s why you should practice meditation …”

Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, ‘idaṁ dukkhan’ti yogo karaṇīyo …pe… ‘ayaṁ dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā’ti yogo karaṇīyo”ti.