SN 35.135 Opportunity – Khaṇasutta

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SN 35.135 Opportunity – Khaṇasutta

Linked Discourses 35.135 – Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.135

14. At Devadaha – 14. Devadahavagga

SN 35.135 Opportunity – Khaṇasutta


“You’re fortunate, bhikkhū, so very fortunate,

“Lābhā vo, bhikkhave, suladdhaṁ vo, bhikkhave,

to have the opportunity to lead the spiritual life.

khaṇo vo paṭiladdho brahmacariyavāsāya.

I’ve seen the hell called ‘the six fields of contact’.

Diṭṭhā mayā, bhikkhave, chaphassāyatanikā nāma nirayā.

There, whatever sight you see with your eye is unlikable, not likable; undesirable, not desirable; unpleasant, not pleasant.

Tattha yaṁ kiñci cakkhunā rūpaṁ passati aniṭṭharūpaṁyeva passati, no iṭṭharūpaṁ; akantarūpaṁyeva passati, no kantarūpaṁ; amanāparūpaṁyeva passati, no manāparūpaṁ.

Whatever sound you hear …

Yaṁ kiñci sotena saddaṁ suṇāti …pe…

Whatever odor you smell …

yaṁ kiñci ghānena gandhaṁ ghāyati …pe…

Whatever flavor you taste …

yaṁ kiñci jivhāya rasaṁ sāyati …pe…

Whatever touch you feel …

yaṁ kiñci kāyena phoṭṭhabbaṁ phusati …pe…

Whatever thought you know with your mind is unlikable, not likable; undesirable, not desirable; unpleasant, not pleasant.

yaṁ kiñci manasā dhammaṁ vijānāti aniṭṭharūpaṁyeva vijānāti, no iṭṭharūpaṁ; akantarūpaṁyeva vijānāti, no kantarūpaṁ; amanāparūpaṁyeva vijānāti, no manāparūpaṁ.

You’re fortunate, bhikkhū, so very fortunate,

Lābhā vo, bhikkhave, suladdhaṁ vo, bhikkhave,

to have the opportunity to lead the spiritual life.

khaṇo vo paṭiladdho brahmacariyavāsāya.

I’ve seen the heaven called ‘the six fields of contact’.

Diṭṭhā mayā, bhikkhave, chaphassāyatanikā nāma saggā.

There, whatever sight you see with your eye is likable, not unlikable; desirable, not undesirable; pleasant, not unpleasant.

Tattha yaṁ kiñci cakkhunā rūpaṁ passati iṭṭharūpaṁyeva passati, no aniṭṭharūpaṁ; kantarūpaṁyeva passati, no akantarūpaṁ; manāparūpaṁyeva passati, no amanāparūpaṁ …pe…

Whatever sound … odor … flavor … touch …

yaṁ kiñci jivhāya rasaṁ sāyati …pe…

Whatever thought you know with your mind is likable, not unlikable; desirable, not undesirable; pleasant, not unpleasant.

yaṁ kiñci manasā dhammaṁ vijānāti iṭṭharūpaṁyeva vijānāti, no aniṭṭharūpaṁ; kantarūpaṁyeva vijānāti, no akantarūpaṁ; manāparūpaṁyeva vijānāti, no amanāparūpaṁ.

You’re fortunate, bhikkhū, so very fortunate,

Lābhā vo, bhikkhave, suladdhaṁ vo, bhikkhave,

to have the opportunity to lead the spiritual life.”

khaṇo vo paṭiladdho brahmacariyavāsāyā”ti.