SN 20.6 The Archers – Dhanuggahasutta

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SN 20.6 The Archers – Dhanuggahasutta

Linked Discourses 20.6 – Saṁyutta Nikāya 20.6

1. Similes – 1. Opammavagga

SN 20.6 The Archers – Dhanuggahasutta


At Sāvatthī.

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.

Bhikkhū, suppose there were four well-trained expert archers with strong bows standing in the four quarters.

“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, cattāro daḷhadhammā dhanuggahā susikkhitā katahatthā katūpāsanā catuddisā ṭhitā assu.

And a man came along and thought,

Atha puriso āgaccheyya:

‘When these four well-trained expert archers shoot arrows in four quarters, I’ll catch them before they reach the ground, and then I’ll bring them back.’

‘ahaṁ imesaṁ catunnaṁ daḷhadhammānaṁ dhanuggahānaṁ susikkhitānaṁ katahatthānaṁ katūpāsanānaṁ catuddisā kaṇḍe khitte appatiṭṭhite pathaviyaṁ gahetvā āharissāmī’ti.

What do you think, bhikkhū?

Taṁ kiṁ maññatha, bhikkhave,

Are they qualified to be called ‘a speedster, with ultimate speed’?”

‘javano puriso paramena javena samannāgato’ti alaṁvacanāyā”ti?

“If he could catch an arrow shot by just one well-trained expert archer before it reaches the ground and bring it back,

“Ekassa cepi, bhante, daḷhadhammassa dhanuggahassa susikkhitassa katahatthassa katūpāsanassa kaṇḍaṁ khittaṁ appatiṭṭhitaṁ pathaviyaṁ gahetvā āhareyya:

he’d be qualified to be called ‘a speedster, with ultimate speed’. How much more so arrows shot by four archers!”

‘javano puriso paramena javena samannāgato’ti alaṁvacanāya, ko pana vādo catunnaṁ daḷhadhammānaṁ dhanuggahānaṁ susikkhitānaṁ katahatthānaṁ katūpāsanānan”ti?

“As fast as that man is, the sun and moon are faster.

“Yathā ca, bhikkhave, tassa purisassa javo, yathā ca candimasūriyānaṁ javo, tato sīghataro.

As fast as that man is, as fast as the sun and moon are, and as fast as the deities that run before the sun and moon are, the waning of the life forces is faster.

Yathā ca, bhikkhave, tassa purisassa javo yathā ca candimasūriyānaṁ javo yathā ca yā devatā candimasūriyānaṁ purato dhāvanti tāsaṁ devatānaṁ javo, (…) tato sīghataraṁ āyusaṅkhārā khīyanti.

So you should train like this:

Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ:

‘We will stay diligent.’

‘appamattā viharissāmā’ti.

That’s how you should train.”

Evañhi vo, bhikkhave, sikkhitabban”ti.