Google Translations to Other Languages

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Google Translations to Other Languages

October 2, 2016

1. Couple of days ago, I installed the capability to translate the whole site into different languages. A different language can be selected in the “Google Translate” button right above this post.

I received input from a couple of people. Based on those, it seems that translation is 60%-80% good for Chinese translation.

2. The main problem is that with “word-to-word” translations, meanings can get lost. So, please use the translations only if necessary. For example, it may able to provide translation of some words that are not familiar.

Therefore, it is a good idea to use the English version as much as possible. I really worry about meanings getting lost in the translation.

3. There are other languages that can be added. I did not want to add too many at this early stage, especially until I get some feedback on the usefulness. I would appreciate feedback on the accuracy/usefulness of these translations, in the comments box below.

If you like other languages to be added, also please comment below. Just type the language(s) you like. I think you need to add your email address too, in order to avoid spam. Comments are not published. I normally respond only if a question is asked.